Second signature - gendexoperatorordertx

generator an operator dex order tx, support operator config, and must be signed by operator before sumiting.

1、suppose one rdio corresponds to one order 2、DEX can help pay for fee of miner

gendexoperatorordertx "sender" "order_type" "order_side" "symbol:coins:unit" "symbol:assets:unit" price dex_id "open_mode" taker_fee_ratio maker_fee_ratio "[symbol:fee:unit]" "[symbol:operator_tx_fee:unit]" "[memo]"

sender (string required) the tx sender's address

order_type (string required) order type, must be in (LIMIT_PRICE, MARKET_PRICE)

order_side (string required) order side, must be in (BUY, SELL)

symbol:coins:unit (string:numeric:string, required) the coins(money) of order, coins=0 if not market buy order, default symbol is WUSD, default unit is sawi.

symbol:assets:unit (string:numeric:string, required) the assets of order, assets=0 if market buy orderdefault symbol is WICC, default unit is sawi.

price (numeric, required) expected price of order, boost 100000000

dex_id (numeric, required) Decentralized Exchange(DEX) ID

open_mode (string, required) indicate the order is PUBLIC or PRIVATE

taker_fee_ratio (numeric, required) taker fee ratio config by operator, boost 100000000

maker_fee_ratio (numeric, required) maker fee ratio config by operator, boost 100000000

symbol:fee:unit (string:numeric:string, optional) fee pay by tx user to miner, default is WICC:10000:sawi

symbol:operator_tx_fee:unit (string:numeric:string, optional) tx fee pay by operator to miner,symbol must equal to fee, default is WICC:0:sawi

memo (string, optional) memo

txid (string) The transaction id.


// Request
root@0e7612ac5bc5:/opt/wicc# coind gendexoperatorordertx 0-1 LIMIT_PRICE SELL WUSD:0 WICC:20000000000:sawi 100000000000 0 PUBLIC 8000 4000

// Respond
    "rawtx" : "5b0180b65e0200010457494343858c20010204574943430457555344c9bfde8f000081f3c2dacf0000019e20bd4002080300000000"

// As json rpc call
> curl --user myusername -d '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "gendexoperatorordertx", "params": ["10-3", "LIMIT_PRICE", "BUY", "WUSD:0", "WICC:2000000000:sawi", 100000000, 0, "PUBLIC", 80000, 40000
] }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;'