WaykiChain development FAQ

The smallest unit is sawi


Account description

WaykiChain uses an account model like ETH, not UTXO, only normal accounts and contract accounts. Each account can be represented by the base58 address like WKfqqyRzJaMHv1zw77Yb4RFErfZhaVL8cn or regid like 1234-1.

New accounts do not cost WICC, each account can receive WICC before registration, after the registration is successful, you can start sending transactions with the WICC.

When registering an account, you can register yourself, provided that there is enough balance in the account, because the registration is actually a transaction, and it takes at least 10000sawi=0.0001 WICC. After registration, the corresponding regid will be generated.

Consensus mechanism

DPOS,11 BP nodes currently

Configuration file path error

  • The following error is means that the configuration file path is incorrect. error: You must set rpcpassword=<password> in the configuration file: /root/.WaykiChain/WaykiChain.conf If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions.
  • if you run ./coind -datadir=. , the WaykiChain.conf Should be in the same directory as coind
  • if you run ./coind the WaykiChain.conf should be in the current user directory under the folder of .WaykiChain

Node startup failed


root@ubuntu:/home/jk/workspace/wicc/WaykiChain_deply1# ./coind -datadir=.

EXCEPTION: N5boost16exception_detail10clone_implINS0_19error_info_injectorINS_6system12system_errorEEEEE
bind: Address already in use
Coin in AppInit()

Shutdown : done
  • Solution: kill the running node process and then start the node you want.
root@ubuntu:/home/jk/workspace/wicc/WaykiChain_deply1# ps -ef|grep coind
root      20588   1794  6 Dec25 ?        08:46:04 ./coind
root      29810  29768 93 11:51 pts/0    04:55:05 ./coind -datadir=.
root      30489  30322  0 17:05 pts/25   00:00:00 grep --color=auto coind
root@ubuntu:/home/jk/workspace/wicc/WaykiChain_deply1# kill 29810
root@ubuntu:/home/jk/workspace/wicc/WaykiChain_deply1# ./coind -datadir=.
WaykiChain version v1.1.0.1-075db0b-dirty-release-linux (2018-12-26 15:47:51 +0800)
Using OpenSSL version OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014
Using Lua version Lua 5.3.1
Using Boost version 1.54
Using Level DB version 1.17
Using Berkeley DB version Berkeley DB 4.8.30: (April  9, 2010)
Startup time: 2018-12-31 09:06:01
Default data directory /root/.WaykiChain
Using data directory /home/jk/workspace/wicc/WaykiChain_deply1/./testnet
Using at most 125 connections (     1024 file descriptors available)

The node has a block download abort

Solution 1. restart 2. If the block synchronization is often aborted for a long time, you can add a timed execution script to restart the task by using the crontab command.

Deployment locally

  • /root/wayki/checkblock.shThe script content is as follows:

echo "start check to blockcount:"


touch $blockfile
past_blockcount=`tail -n 1 $blockfile`
echo  "past blockcount:$past_blockcount"

current_blockcount=`docker exec -it waykicoind-main /opt/wicc/coind  getblockcount`
echo "current blockcount:$current_blockcount"

if [ $current_blockcount = $past_blockcount ]
  echo "current blockcount equal to past blockcount, so restart the waykicoind."
  docker restart waykicoind-main
  echo "current blockcount does not equal to past blockcount, so go ahead."

echo $current_blockcount>$blockfile
echo "Now the past blockcount is $past_blockcount "

echo "end!"

  • use crontab -e add task


Detect it once per hour

0 */1 * * *   /root/wayki/checkblock.sh >> /root/wayki/checkblock.log

Docker local deployment

  • /root/wayki/auto_restart.shThe script content is as follows:

echo "native start check to blockcount:"

echo $1
cd $1

touch $blockfile
past_blockcount=`tail -n 1 $blockfile`
echo  "past blockcount:$past_blockcount"

current_blockcount=`./coind -datadir=. getblockcount`
echo "current blockcount:$current_blockcount"

if [ $current_blockcount = $past_blockcount ]
  echo "current blockcount equal to past blockcount, so restart the waykicoind."
  ./coind -datadir=. stop
  sleep 3
  ./coind -datadir=.
  echo "current blockcount does not equal to past blockcount, so go ahead."

echo $current_blockcount>$blockfile
echo "Now the past blockcount is $past_blockcount "

echo "end!"

  • use crontab -e add task


Detect it once per hour

0 */1 * * *   /root/wayki/auto_restart.sh >> /root/wayki/auto_restart.log

Note: the parameter current_blockcount in shell script is folder path of coind 

Download blocks too slow

** downloading blocks that have been synced manually**

It is estimated that it takes more than 10 hours to download the block from 0. If you want to quickly synchronize the block, you can download the synchronized data through the following link and copy the the folder named blocks to the folder named main(mainnet) and then restart.

  • mainnet: http://waykichain.oss-cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com/mainnet/wicc-main-blocks.tar.gz


  • wtimes is an important token in the WaykiChain. In the future, you can redeem the gifts around the WaykiChain. Please pay attention to APP from Official website
  • wtimes operates at a penny RMB, can only redeem gifts, There is no withdrawal.


WaykiMax provides the WiccWallet interface to developers. Developers can integrate WiccWallet when developing DApp so that they can sign and broadcast WaykiChain transactions.In turn enabling the use of Dapps from within the browser.

Note 1: Global parameter WiccWallet is injected by WaykiMax

Note 2: If the developer needs to call the wallet on the mobile and Web using the same set of code (H5), please use WaykiBridge


Get the default account with method below:

WiccWallet.getDefaultAccount().then((account) => {
}, (error) => {

If the wallet is unlocked, and the account is created, the return result is below:

  "account": {
    "address": "WTTqpSPZ9JHQJAPsmJQb1kXcMz5HvRWJLv",
    "id": "eddd9578-8264-4f62-b215-da22a455152b",
    "testnetAddress": "wQREsAsRAV1j133FHK4M5XQPPG3n4W23P1"
  "network": "testnet",
  "address": "wQREsAsRAV1j133FHK4M5XQPPG3n4W23P1"
  • network: testnet or mainnet;
  • address: current address in WaykiMax
  • other parameter can be ignored


call the smart contract api


regId smart contract regid

contract the command to call smart contract

amount wicc WICC amount transferred to smart contract, unit is sawi

callback callback after the user click the confirm button, the first param is error,the second param is data; error is null,wwhen call successfully。

Return data when call successfully amount WICC Amount unit is sawi fee miner fee unitis sawi contract the command to call smart contract txid the transaction hash regid smart contract regid


WiccWallet.callContract(regId, contract, amount, callback)


// call
WiccWallet.callContract('13103-1', 'f0', 0, (error, data) => console.log(error, data)).then(() => {
}, (error) => {

// return
  amount: 0,
  fee: 1000000,
  contract: "f0",
  txid: "55ec1c7abe38c492894a09f0c99e16d7c8d68608a2f1f6d334d0fd101b503e5b",
  regId: "9109-1", 


call publish smart contract api


content the smartcontract content

description the smartcontract descrition

callback please refer to callContract

Return data when call successfully * please refer to callContract

// call
WiccWallet.publishContract('mylib = require "mylib"', '33333', (error, data) => console.log(error, data)).then(() => {
}, (error) => {


call request pay api


destAddress the destination address

amount WICC amount unit is sawi

description the request pay description

callback please refer to callContract

Return data when call successfully * please refer to callContract


WiccWallet.requestPay('wYXV7QzHZnb8LuWw7Xa24dfUTqmH2tNZBq', 0.01 * Math.pow(10, 8), 'desc', (error, data) => console.log(error, data)).then(() => {
}, (error) => {


call request vote api

Parameter votelist the vote content arraylist, there are parameter address and votes in the arraylist * address : the voted destination address
votes : the voted count, WICC amount unit is sawi* callback please refer to callContract

Return data when call successfully * please refer to callContract

WiccWallet. requestVote([{
  address: 'wNQ8bTNN9eRj4U5hawdRJhvoGpMAfHfrZP',
  votes: 2000001
}, {
  address: 'wfhKnmXbE3n49trwd9CsvnzGqScJLLf4Jb',
  votes: 2000002
}], (error, data) => console.log(error, data)).then(() => {
}, (error) => {