Opening a CDP

  • Function: submitcdpstaketx
  • Usage: submitcdpstaketx "addr" stake_combo_money mint_combo_money ["cdp_id"] [symbol:fee:unit]

submit a CDP Staking Tx.


  1. "addr": (string, required) CDP Staker's account address
  2. "stake_combo_money": (symbol:amount:unit, required) Combo Money to stake into the CDP, default symbol=WICC, default unit=sawi
  3. "mint_combo_money": (symbol:amount:unit, required), Combo Money to mint from the CDP, default symbol=WUSD, default unit=sawi
  4. "cdp_id": (string, optional) CDP ID (tx hash of the first CDP Stake Tx)
  5. "symbol:fee:unit": (symbol:amount:unit, optional) fee paid to miner, default is WICC:100000:sawi

Result: "txid" (string) The transaction id.


 ./coind submitcdpstaketx "WiZx6rrsBn9sHjwpvdwtMNNX2o31s3DEHH" "WICC:20000000000:sawi" "WUSD:3000000:sawi" "b850d88bf1bed66d43552dd724c18f10355e9b6657baeae262b3c86a983bee71" "WICC:1000000:sawi"

As json rpc call

 curl --user myusername -d '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "submitcdpstaketx", "params": ["WiZx6rrsBn9sHjwpvdwtMNNX2o31s3DEHH", "WICC:2000000000:sawi", "WUSD:3000000:sawi", "b850d88bf1bed66d43552dd724c18f10355e9b6657baeae262b3c86a983bee71", "WICC:1000000:sawi"
] }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;'

Close a CDP

  • Function: submitcdpredeemtx
  • Usage: submitcdpredeemtx "addr" "cdp_id" repay_amount redeem_amount ["symbol:fee:unit"]

submit a CDP Redemption Tx


  1. "addr" : (string, required) CDP redemptor's address
  2. "cdp_id": (string, required) ID of existing CDP (tx hash of the first CDP Stake Tx)
  3. "repay_amount": (numeric, required) scoins (E.g. WUSD) to repay into the CDP, boosted by 10^8
  4. "redeem_amount": (numeric, required) bcoins (E.g. WICC) to redeem from the CDP, boosted by 10^8
  5. "symbol:fee:unit": (string:numeric:string, optional) fee paid to miner, default is WICC:100000:sawi

Result: "txid" (string) The transaction id.


 ./coind submitcdpredeemtx "WiZx6rrsBn9sHjwpvdwtMNNX2o31s3DEHH" "b850d88bf1bed66d43552dd724c18f10355e9b6657baeae262b3c86a983bee71" 20000000000 40000000000 "WICC:1000000:sawi"

As json rpc call

 curl --user myusername -d '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "submitcdpredeemtx", "params": ["WiZx6rrsBn9sHjwpvdwtMNNX2o31s3DEHH", "b850d88bf1bed66d43552dd724c18f10355e9b6657baeae262b3c86a983bee71", 20000000000, 40000000000, "WICC:1000000:sawi"
] }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;'

Check a CDP

  • Function: getusercdp "addr"
  • Usage: getcdp "cdp_id"

get account's cdp.


1."addr": (string, required) CDP owner's account addr



./coind getusercdp "WiZx6rrsBn9sHjwpvdwtMNNX2o31s3DEHH"

As json rpc call

 curl --user myusername -d '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getusercdp", "params": ["WiZx6rrsBn9sHjwpvdwtMNNX2o31s3DEHH"
] }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;'

Liquidate a CDP

  • Function: submitcdpliquidatetx
  • Usage: submitcdpliquidatetx "addr" "cdp_id" liquidate_amount [symbol:fee:unit]

submit a CDP Liquidation Tx


  1. "addr" : (string, required) CDP liquidator's address
  2. "cdp_id": (string, required) ID of existing CDP (tx hash of the first CDP Stake Tx)
  3. "liquidate_amount": (numeric, required) WUSD coins to repay to CDP, boosted by 10^8 (penalty fees deducted separately from sender account)
  4. "symbol:fee:unit": (string:numeric:string, optional) fee paid to miner, default is WICC:100000:sawi

Result: "txid" (string) The transaction id.


 ./coind submitcdpliquidatetx "WiZx6rrsBn9sHjwpvdwtMNNX2o31s3DEHH"  "b850d88bf1bed66d43552dd724c18f10355e9b6657baeae262b3c86a983bee71" 20000000000 "WICC:1000000:sawi"

As json rpc call

 curl --user myusername -d '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "submitcdpliquidatetx", "params": ["WiZx6rrsBn9sHjwpvdwtMNNX2o31s3DEHH", "b850d88bf1bed66d43552dd724c18f10355e9b6657baeae262b3c86a983bee71", 2000000000, "WICC:1000000:sawi"
] }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;'