UTXO Basic exchange

Acction:The input of each stroke is the output of the previous stroke. you can easier understand the rule of input and output if you understand this word!


Submit utxo tx


sender (string, required) The addr submit this tx

coin_symbol (string, required) The utxo transfer coin symbole

vins (string(json), required) The utxo inputs

vouts (string(json), required) The utxo outputs

symbol:fee:unit (symbol:amount:unit, optional) Fee paid to miner

memo (string,optinal) Tx memo


txid (string) The transaction id.

Judge state of exchange by the value of vins and vouts.

state vins vouts
charge money empty exist
spend money exist exist
draw money exist empty

detail of vins

1、prev_utxo_txid: The tx hash of previous utxo  
2、prev_utxo_vout_index: The index of the output with previous utxo exchange
3、conds:the conditions of unlock utxo
cond_type:11  Unlock the address lock
cond_type:12  Unlock the multi-signlock
cond_type:13  Unlock the password lock
cond_type:14  Unlock over time lock, reach the specified height of type 114 UTXO
cond_type:15  Unlock recycle lock,reach the specified height of type 115 UTXO

Take solving password locks as an example, vins content is as follow:

"[{\"prev_utxo_txid\":\"9d36b478cce47ae3429e6b58ec97e8c54e0764deaff26b2adcd9d37bbc2cb80b\",\"prev_utxo_vout_index\":0,\"conds\":[{\"cond_type\": 13, \"password\": \"123456\"}]"

detail of vouts

1、`coin_amount`: number of turn out coin
2、`conds`: lock utxo, it's unlock state if content is empty, and exist differ param depend on type
    cond_type:111   single lock, address lock

    cond_type:112   multi-sign lock

    cond_type:113   password lock
        password_proof_required: Deterministic uniqueness; flase:everybody can use it if know password; true:you can use password to get it after use interface `submitpasswordprooftx`  to proof.
        password:the length of password has not limit, but more then 256, there will can't prase the password

    cond_type:114   over time lock
        height: the height of block

    cond_type:115   recycle lock
        height: the height of block

Take solving single locks as an example, vouts content is as follow:



> ./coind submitutxotransfertx "wLKf2NqwtHk3BfzK5wMDfbKYN1SC3weyR4" "WICC" "[]"  "[]" "WICC:10000:sawi" "xx"

// As json rpc call
> curl --user myusername -d '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "submitutxotransfertx", "params": ["wLKf2NqwtHk3BfzK5wMDfbKYN1SC3weyR4", "WICC", "[]", "[]", "WICC:10000:sawi", "xx"] }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;'

charge money

user tansfer to utxo from balance
vins is empty, vout exist


// Request
coind submitutxotransfertx "wQ3FinggSoJU7x27J2cdfao9rXdZxCNqoQ" "WICC" "[]"  "[{\"coin_amount\":10000,\"conds\":[]}]" "WICC:100000:sawi" "xx"

// Respond
    "txid" : "cdb2250416487409acd21b4d98f322de9aab5cd7265432c13536c33f4a909eb4"

address lock


// Request
root@0e7612ac5bc5:/opt/wicc# coind submitutxotransfertx 0-1 "WICC" "[]" '[{"coin_amount":10000,"conds":[{"cond_type":111,"uid":"0-1"}]}]' "WICC:100000:sawi" "test"

// Respond
    "txid" : "be685d611ac914b41138ffaa68c87ac3b177c4fb82a7c03bab013fe34452b0f4"

password lock


// Request
root@0dc1d946424b:/opt/wicc# coind submitutxotransfertx "wQ3FinggSoJU7x27J2cdfao9rXdZxCNqoQ" "WICC" "[]"  "[{\"coin_amount\":100,\"conds\":[{\"cond_type\":113,\"password_proof_required\":true,\"password\":\"123456\"}]}]" "WICC:100000:sawi" "password test"

// Respond
    "txid" : "6d8c07ae4ea1868e2cb7d458b636acc0204c9a7637036fd7b02e62625b73a01c"

spend money

vins exit, vout exit

unlock to unlock


// Request
coind submitutxotransfertx "wQ3FinggSoJU7x27J2cdfao9rXdZxCNqoQ" "WICC" "[{\"prev_utxo_txid\":\"be685d611ac914b41138ffaa68c87ac3b177c4fb82a7c03bab013fe34452b0f4\",\"prev_utxo_vout_index\":0,\"conds\":[]}]" "[{\"coin_amount\":100000,\"conds\":[]}]" "WICC:1000000:sawi" "spend utxo"

// Response
    "txid" : "307d44227137eb47006479a8b02c86dd63e995fb024cbcf6aa9c342f36ea4f5c"

unlock to single lock


// Request
root@0dc1d946424b:/opt/wicc# coind submitutxotransfertx "wQ3FinggSoJU7x27J2cdfao9rXdZxCNqoQ" "WICC" "[{\"prev_utxo_txid\":\"307d44227137eb47006479a8b02c86dd63e995fb024cbcf6aa9c342f36ea4f5c\",\"prev_utxo_vout_index\":0,\"conds\":[]}]" "[{\"coin_amount\":100000,\"conds\":[{\"cond_type\":111,\"uid\":\"0-1\"}]}]}]" "WICC:1000000:sawi" "spend utxo"

// Respond
    "txid" : "9d36b478cce47ae3429e6b58ec97e8c54e0764deaff26b2adcd9d37bbc2cb80b"

coind submitutxotransfertx "wQ3FinggSoJU7x27J2cdfao9rXdZxCNqoQ" "WICC" "[]" "[{\"coin_amount\":100,"\coinds\":[\"cond_type\":113,\"password_proof_required\":False,\"password\":123456]]" "WICC:100000:sawi" "password in"

draw money

vins empty, vout exit

unlock password lock


coind submitutxotransfertx "wLKf2NqwtHk3BfzK5wMDfbKYN1SC3weyR4" "WICC" "[{\"prev_utxo_txid\":\"6d8c07ae4ea1868e2cb7d458b636acc0204c9a7637036fd7b02e62625b73a01c\",\"prev_utxo_vout_index\":0,\"conds\":[{\"cond_type\": 13, \"password\":\"123456\"}]}]" "[]" "WICC:1000000:sawi" "parse password"